The student must carry their identity card inside the examination hall and present it upon request.
No books or papers are allowed inside the examination hall.
The student must write their full name as listed in the official records, along with their academic title, department, and the exam subject in Arabic using a pen.
Talking is prohibited inside the hall.
It is not allowed to tear any page from the exam booklet.
All inquiries should be directed to the examination hall supervisor (the invigilator), and students are not allowed to speak with the other proctors.
No student is allowed to leave the examination hall during the first half hour of the exam, and no student is allowed to enter after the distribution of the questions.
The student must remain at their seat when the supervisor announces the end of the exam time until the exam papers are collected.
No student may change their seat without the supervisor’s permission.
Students should bring all necessary supplies, and borrowing within the examination hall is prohibited.
A student will not be allowed to take the exam if they violate the dress code.
If a student is caught cheating or attempting to cheat in any of the daily, weekly, monthly, or final exams, they will be considered failed in all subjects for that year. If this happens repeatedly, they will be expelled from the university, and their registration will be revoked.
Students are strictly prohibited from bringing a mobile phone into the examination hall.
Ignorance of the above rules will not be considered a valid excuse for violators.