The Nursing Division provides advanced technical education in the key areas of medical practice, focusing on the use of modern and sophisticated techniques to serve patients. The department’s educational and training program offers a comprehensive scientific experience that combines both academic study and field practice to enhance patient care.
The study at the Nursing Division began in the academic year 1997-1998. The division awards its graduates a Technical Diploma in Nursing upon successful completion of the graduation requirements, which include passing the first stage, completing the summer training, and successfully finishing the second stage.
The goal is to graduate trained nursing technical personnel capable of meeting the needs of healthcare institutions by providing qualified nursing staff. These professionals will be equipped to offer scientific, up-to-date nursing care to all patients, in line with current changes and advancements. The program aims to supply healthcare institutions with specialized nursing staff based on the demands of the job market.
The Mission.
To provide high-quality technical nursing education and establish a strong human foundation through the scientific and practical application of nursing principles and fundamentals. This involves offering support and assistance, fulfilling the needs of patients, and embodying the core values of nursing care.
– Preparing nursing staff at various educational levels, qualified both academically and practically, and capable of utilizing modern technologies to provide the best patient care. – Supplying all healthcare institutions with the necessary nursing staff of both genders. – Activating continuous education channels by developing the nursing workforce, especially those with high school diplomas, through parallel courses to obtain a diploma in nursing sciences, in addition to welcoming top students from nursing preparatory schools. – Organizing courses in various nursing sciences for all segments of society interested in learning the basics of nursing, given its importance at both the individual and community levels. – Establishing specialized branches within the Nursing Techniques Division, such as optometry, emergency and critical care nursing, and obstetric and gynecological nursing, based on the labor market’s demand for these specializations.
The Job Description for Graduates.
The graduate is equipped with the ability to provide nursing care to individuals, families, and communities, as well as to promote health and social awareness.